All people deserve clean air, clean water, unpolluted soil, and a stable climate. But, in Maryland, our constitution does not grant us such rights.  

The Book of Genesis mandates that we "keep and tend the Garden." This amendment is an answer to that call.

Scroll to the bottom to jump to Actions You Can Take.

House Bill 472, Sponsor Del. Lafferty

We support efforts to place in the State's Declaration of Rights an amendment to set environmental health -- essential for you and all life -- on equal footing with other rights. 

  • An amendment would protect Marylanders from "sacrifice zones". Most of Maryland's unwanted waste or pollution aggregates or is brought for incineration or landfilling in communities that are under-served and under-represented. This amendment would establish basic rights for all people to push back on unwanted waste. Ensuring healthy communities expresses love for our neighbors. 
  • We can decouple progress and pollution, and this amendment would set expectations that future growth and development would not violate basic rights to clean natural resources. By preserving a right to a healthy environment, we are expressing the calling of all faiths to protect our shared home. 
  • This amendment would enshrine in Maryland's constitution that nature is the foundation of all life and a blessing for all generations, equally.
  • If you are concerned about this opening the floodgates to countless lawsuits, you can be reassured that this bill only speaks to activities of the government of the state of Maryland in its role as trustee and steward of natural resources.

Jesus said, "Who among you, if a child asks for bread, would give them a stone?" We must not leave only stones for the next generation.

Actions You Can Take

  • Invite a speaker to come to your congregation to talk about the Healthy Green Maryland Amendment. Contact Rabbi Nina Beth Cardin to schedule a visit. You can reach Nina at [email protected]
  • Contact your elected state representatives and tell them you want them to support the Healthy Green Maryland Amendment. Not sure who your elected representatives are? Find them here at
  • Print off these flyers for your congregation and help spread the word: